The About Page

This was the about page of my old website. I might change it in the future. We shall see.

Life Is Interesting

ds me Remarkable isn't it, this life? One would think so. I mean if we had the ability to understand everything there was in this life we wouldn't have the problems we face now. We would be able to figure things out and this life wouldn't have the issues we are facing.

Life comes at us sometimes before we can fully understand why it's doing that. It would be nice to be able to understand something about this life, but as far as it goes life chooses when it will cooperate and when it won't. You don't choose how this life will turn out, fate chooses for you.

Don't be confused by that statement. You are still in control over what you do day to day in your life leading you to whatever path there will be. But you don't have a clue as to where it will take you. You don't choose that final path, you are but a traveler on a road traveled by many.

To figure out ones life, you must live it. No one can live your life for you and you cannot live your life vicariously through someone else.

About Us?

Dog There isn't an "us." There's just a "me."

When I was in 12th grade, I had an english teacher that taught me to enjoy writing, reading as well. It wasn't anything I had been interested in before.

Since then, I've been immersing myself in writing and reading.

The Cat And The Dog

Cat DreamSense is a simple place of dreaming, learning, and whatever else that comes to mind. Put simply it's a blog for whatever comes to mind.

Sometimes people have random thoughts that tend to come and go without their knowing. You don't even know you're thinking them until it's too late.

Kind of like a kitten just staring off into the distance. He doesn't notice there's a dog coming up behind him until it's too late. The dog sniffs the cat, the cat jumps and then sits there stunned for a moment or two deciding on what to do. Then comes that moment of clarity. The cat reacts. Either the cat runs away hissing or the cat fights. Of course the third option for the cat is to just sit there and see what the cat does to him.

The dog can react as well. Perhaps the dog just wanted to sniff the cat, maybe lick the cat. Or the dog wants to do damage. Whatever the case there are always lessons to be learned.

Life is a Journey

Heart Life wasn't meant to be this way. We wake up every morning and try to get through it just to go to bed and wake up again the next day. Is that what we're thinking? Is that what we want? I'm not sure, actually I'm sure it's not what we want at all. Yet it's what we do. We are here to figure things out and try to attempt new things meeting new people. That's what life is about I think? I guess? Either way, here we are.

Now, if we wanted to do something a little different, we could. Life could be much different from it currently is. But, we have to accept that it could be different. Either way? It won't be useful to any of us until we decide that is what we want. But what do we want for real now? I mean, we could guess all day long what we want, but we cannot fully express ourselves for some reason. Does it matter? I'm not sure.

I'd rather not think about everything which could go wrong with this plan, but well you have to take into account all the different angles, don't you? Some would say yes, others would tell you no, life is just fine the way it is. Whoever has difficulties in life should find a way to take those difficulties and shred them to pieces or make them their own and figure out a way to enjoy every moment of life. I don't enjoy life, so I am one of those peoples.

What Is This?

Keyboard Such a good question, what is this indeed? Well you see, it's like this. I think... maybe. This is pretty much a thing. A thing of wonders and amazement.

Maybe it should be pointed out to what this isn't. Yes, that would be such a better jumping off point, wouldn't you agree? One would certainly agree. All this agreeing though, will give one a headache. So no more agreeing!

So dreams... dreams have a way of making themselves manifest at the oddest times of night. Mostly when one is asleep. It's amusing how that tends to happen. You dream and then your mind goes to work. It has a way of interrupting your sleep, your thoughts take on a different form.

You might be wondering what all of this is, well it's a webpage. Wouldn't you know. Now obviously that's not the answer you were looking for. Unless it was? Then you're welcome. Yes indeed, that's all there is to this.

What could this be indeed... perhaps it is a story? Yes I like that thought. It might as well be a story...of life.

Just a website where I write what I like and enjoy. Ever have something you enjoy so much that you Just had to write it out? Yeah, something like that. There's no copyright infringement intentional. It's just a place where I put my writings.

I still don't think that explains what this site is about though. I'll have to figure it out and get back to you.

Story Writing

I've been writing stories of various kinds since 1997. Only a few have been longer than my usual short stories and in chapter form. I've found that writing has been a way to relax, and get through stressful days.


Books To Read

  • The Martian Chronicles
  • Fahrenheit 451
  • The Illustrated Man
  • The Time Traveler's Wife
  • Dandelion Wine
  • Star Trek Mirror Universe: The Sorrows of Empire
  • Diary of Anne Frank
  • The Screwtape Letters


  • Covered In Punk (Portobella)
  • It's My Life (Bon Jovi)
  • If I Am (Nine Days)
  • What About Us (Pink)

Programming Books To Read

  • Intermediate Perl
  • Programming Perl
  • Perl Cookbook

Trans Rights Are Human Rights
